Borrowing Barricade Information

The City of Bondurant is supportive of special event activities conducted by Bondurant residents or businesses.  The City realizes that equipment not normally owned by residents or businesses could be helpful in conducting events.  In an effort to assist with providing a safe and popular event, the City will allow use of some City equipment to Bondurant residents or businesses. 

Persons requesting to borrow or rent City equipment must submit a Barricade Borrowing Agreement Application and/or City Special Events Application at least 30 days prior to the event. The City expects persons borrowing or renting City equipment to exercise care in using the equipment and return the equipment in the same condition as when it was taken out. Borrowers will be charged for work needed to clean or repair dirty or damaged equipment. 

The City will provide street barricades to residents conducting block parties or to not-for-profit groups holding events that are open to the public.  There is no charge for borrowing the barricades.

Barricades will not be provided to businesses conducting events sponsored by the business.  Businesses are responsible for providing their own barricades. The City has a limited number of street barricades and cannot guarantee that barricades will be available on the requested date(s).  The City may be using the barricades for City purposes, or someone else may have already reserved the available supply.

Here are the types of barricades that are available to borrow:

Type 3 Barricade –mostly used for road closings because of their larger size. Will completely extend across a roadway.

Type 3

Type 2 Barricade – either 24” or 36” wide with extruded or fluted plastic panels from 8” to 12”

Type 2



Lane Delineators

Lane Delineators