Bondurant Using Grant Funds to Enhance Eagle Park

2021 Eagle Park Conceptual Plan

The Resource Enhancement and Protection (REAP) funds (derived from gaming revenues) are appropriated by the Iowa Legislature and signed into law by the Governor. Parkland expansion and multi-purpose recreation developments are typical projects funded under this REAP program. The Natural Resource Commission, who oversees the funds, recently approved the recommendations of the REAP review committee which included a $100,000 grant for Bondurant to go towards the Eagle Park Project.

The proposed Eagle Park improvements were noted in the City’s Park, Trail, and Greenway Master Plan. Adoption of the plan included several forms of public input, such as public workshops and surveys. The City’s Parks and Recreation Board has also discussed the project at its public meetings on multiple occasions, involving members from the adjacent neighborhoods. Previous work to address the grading in this area to set the table for future improvements was paid for by donations from an adjacent property owner.

The Eagle Park Project is moving forward to add a creek entry spot, as envisioned in the Regional Water Trails Plan. This includes Bioretention cells/wetlands, native grasses, benches, trees, soft walking trails, and butterfly gardens. Find details about the Regional Water Trails Plan here Learn more about the specific plan with Mud Creek on page 21

The first phase of this project will include:

  • Installing an 8' crushed limestone walking trail throughout Eagle Park. Establish a Mud Creek access point. 
  • Installing three solar-powered charging benches along the walking path.
  • Establishing a native planting area and a butterfly garden.
  • Planting 50 trees. 
  • Installing wayfinding and interpretative signage.
  • Establishing wetlands/bioretention cells.

Future Eagle Park Improvements are envisioned to include a paved trail connection through Eagle Park to link the neighborhoods east and west. An overlook is planned near the detention pond area. The paved trail and overlook improvements will be constructed at a later date.

Meta, formerly called Facebook, has committed $150,000 towards the project and REAP has committed $100,000. With this funding, the City anticipates the Eagle Park Project will begin in March 2022.


2021 Eagle Park Water Trail Entry