Stormwater Management

The City is tasked with the important job of Stormwater management to limit the impact of stormwater runoff and the amount of pollution traveling to local rivers and streams. Unmanaged stormwater can cause water pollution, stream bank erosion, and flooding. As more areas of the City are developed into homes and businesses, less precipitation can infiltrate into the ground, and more stormwater runoff is generated. By slowing down the stormwater through Best Management Practices (BMPs), the pollutants have a chance to settle out. These practices can help improve the water quality in local bodies of water and help improve the water quality in our state's rivers.

What is the City Doing about stormwater management?

To comply with federal regulations, the City is required to implement a stormwater management program.  A few of the requirements include:

  • The inspection of construction sites and post-construction stormwater facilities to reduce sediment loss.
  • Provide opportunities for public involvement and participation to, as well as public education and outreach on stormwater impacts and water quality management.
  • Enforce a discharge detection and elimination program to allow unpolluted stormwater to enter the municipal sewer system.
  • Maintain pollution prevention and good housekeeping program aimed at preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations.

What can citizens do to mitigate stormwater and prevent water pollution?

Questions or Concerns?

Do you have a stormwater concern? For example, is there mud in the street, or have you witnessed a spill or dumping in the storm sewer? Do you have a question about a program or an issue?

Report an Issue, and a City of Bondurant staff member will be in contact with you.

Reference the annual agenda and minutes by clicking here.

For immediate assistance, contact the Stormwater Hotline at 515-971-6858.