Book Discussion For Adults

No Exit by Taylor Adams
Book Discussion for Adults July 11, 2023 at 6:00PM in Meeting Room A. July's Book is No Exit by Taylor Adams.
Event Date: 
Tuesday, July 11, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

This month's selection is No Exit by Taylor Adams. 

Copies of the book are available at the library. You can also find ebook copies on the Libby and Hoopla apps!

We meet in Meeting Room A in person, but if you prefer to join us virtually, please call the library for the Zoom invitation.   

Here is a synopsis of the book:

On her way to Utah to see her dying mother, college student Darby Thorne gets caught in a fierce blizzard in the mountains of Colorado. With the roads impassable, she’s forced to wait out the storm at a remote highway rest stop. Inside are some vending machines, a coffee maker, and four complete strangers.Desperate to find a signal to call home, Darby goes back out into the storm . . . and makes a horrifying discovery. In the back of the van parked next to her car, a little girl is locked in an animal crate. Who is the child? Why has she been taken? And how can Darby save her?There is no cell phone reception, no telephone, and no way out. One of her fellow travelers is a kidnapper. But which one?Trapped in an increasingly dangerous situation, with a child’s life and her own on the line, Darby must find a way to break the girl out of the van and escape.But who can she trust?