Third Thursday at Hoover's

The Progression of America's National Parks
Third Thursday at Hoover's
Event Date: 
Thursday, March 17, 2022 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Please join us for Third Thursday at Hoover's either in the library or from home via Zoom.  If you prefer to join via Zoom, REGISTER HERE.

Title: The Progression of America's National Parks

Description: Today’s National Park system consists of 423 different sites, covers more than 85 million acres, and welcomes more than 300 million annual visitors. At their best, the National Parks shine as an innovative example for the world, uniquely American, and grounded in democratic ideals. But the 158-year evolution of the National Parks is a story about the successes and failures of a country that has taken some time to develop a deeper sense of pride and obligation for these special places.

Join us as we take a look at some of the most significant milestones in the history of the National Park Service, and how a handful of individuals (including Herbert Hoover) have impacted the development of what many consider to be “America’s Best Idea.”

About the Speaker: Park Ranger Jenny Cripe Davis has worked for the National Park Service since 2016. She served in a “seasonal” capacity at six different park sites before becoming a year-round “permanent” ranger for the National Mall and Memorial Parks in 2019. She joined the staff at the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site in September 2021. But long before she started a career with the NPS, Jenny was a supporter and fan, spending many family vacations visiting some of the country’s greatest national treasures.